Yes it would work and I would highly appreciate it because it's easier for me to maintain a discussion page than a discussion on a mailing list. A discussion page gives me more control of the discussion itself which is needed for moderating.


Sören alias Valor Naram

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Tagging] A modest proposal to increase the usefulness of the tagging list
From: Graeme Fitzpatrick
To: "Tag discussion, strategy and related tools"

Maybe we don't hold discussions on the list, but only have them on the discussion page of the proposal?

Post to the list to say:
Title: Proposal re xxxxxxxxxxxx

I've come up with a proposal for xxxxxxxxxxxx

Link: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Possibly include a brief synopsis of the proposal, but that should be on the proposal itself, so maybe not required?

Then everybody comments on the discussion page.

That page could get quite long, but should also be able to be laid out so that comments are grouped together
Part A
My explanation
    Your comment
          My reply
                Their comment
                         Your response
                               My amendment
Part B
My explanation

2 weeks later, reply to your own original post to say "Voting now open - link xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Carrying on with that idea, if you've come up with possible changes to an existing tag, then post as 

Proposed changes to xxxxxxxxxx

Brief explanation


So if anybody is interested in telephone lines, underground waterways, police facilities etc, they can go to that page & discuss it, but if they're not, they don't!

The mailing list should then become a concise index of what proposals are going through.

Would that all work?


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