I think the whole problem cannot be solved in general as it depends from
case to case.

A nice example of where the clear distinction between "natural river"
and "artificial canal" is hard to tell is the river Altmühl: Its most
downstream part has been built into a canal, which later leaves the
"natural" bed and continues to connect it to the river Main. Still it is
often named "Main-Donau-Kanal" even where the old river bed is.
See for example this way [1], which is a part tagged as river but has
the name "Kanal". Is this a river or a canal? Additionally it is in the
middle of sections that are tagged as "Altmühl", so the river "ceases to
exist" in our mapping for some range.

I guess one always has to decide this on a local level and acknowledge
that rivers in many parts of the world are not "natural" anymore.

[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/599254030

On 25/04/2019 23.54, Paul Allen wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 22:16, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Getting away from the discussion of river v canal & back to the original
>> problem pictured
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/347369154 , why is it "River Wey
>> Navigation" while the river itself is just "Wey"
> Canals, when used for boats, are often known as navigation canals.  And
> sometimes
> referred to as just navigations.
> It looks to me like the River Wey Navigation might be a canal to shorten
> the route for river traffic
> (or maybe because the river at that point wasn't deep enough and it was
> cheaper to construct
> a canal than dredge the river).  Which would make sense.  Which is why I'm
> probably wrong,
> because things rarely make sense.
> & is the unnamed river to the South
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/23216681, the natural Wey?
> It could be the curd. :)
> Actually, it may not be the natural Wey.  Not going by the OS 1:25k
> historic layer.  Which is
> incomplete.   But the same layer is available from NLS (easy to select with
> JOSM, but if you're
> using iD then use https://geo.nls.uk/mapdata2/os/25000/{zoom}/{x}/{-y}.png
> as your custom
> layer (I have asked iD to use the NLS version instead but the iD team just
> respond by
> saying they don't want that historic layer there anyway because they think
> it confuses people).
> It looks like the natural river got diverted at some point after the canal
> was built in order to
> make room for roads.  But that is a wild guess on my part.
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