Ok .. I have a draft for mounting blocks


Think I have the main points downs.. I'll leave it for a week and see. Then I'll do the RFC thing and see what happens..

Not certain about the voting method to determine the key.. if it then requires a secondary vote for the key/value pair.

Whatever .. you all get to have a vote. Whatever is most popular I'll put on the riding page. If it passes then that will go on to the wiki.

On 01/04/19 00:08, Hufkratzer wrote:
Am 31.03.2019 04:30, schrieb Warin:
On 27/03/19 20:23, Hufkratzer wrote:
On 27.03.2019 07:37, Warin wrote:
I'd still call it a 'mounting block' ... no steps in the name so it can be a ramp or, in your case, a platform. Add wheelchair=yes and a description=* tag ???

+1, in wikipedia it's also called 'mounting block', see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mounting_block.

But isn't it too primitive to be an amenity? What about animal=mounting_block? We have animal=horse_walker.

I was not aware of the key animal. Looks to be used for all sorts of things ..
the kind of animal in a zoo exhibit?

Very poorly organised.... I would not go there!

Looks to come from the German talk group.. nothing to do with the tagging group?

I somehow agree. But there are some tags with key animal in use and documented in the wiki:

- animal=school used 672x, competing tag: amenity=animal_training used 406x
- animal=horse_walker used 381x, proposed
- animal=sport used 210x, only documented on wiki page "DE:Tiere" (Hundesportverein), competing key: club=*
- animal=wellness used 165x documented on wiki page "Animals"
- animal=cemetery used 93x documented on wiki page "Animals"
- animal=swimming used 20x documented on wiki page "Animals"
- animal=crematorium used 6x documented on wiki page "Animals"

Would it under these conditions be recommendable to make a proposal for amenity=horse_walker which competes with existing proposal for animal=horse_walker? animal=horse_walker is used 381 times, it was proposed in 2013, I couldn't find any discussion about it and the creator of the proposal seems to be inactive since March 2015. amenity=horse_walker isn't used yet, man_made=horse_walker is used 3x, building=horse_walker 9x.

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