I agree that the "craft" key should be used for places where craft
work is done. It seems that
craft=plumber is already fairly well established with 4000 uses, and
the page has been around since 2011. While "craft" seems imprecise for
offices of tradespersons who do not make things at that location, it
would be more confusing to reuse the key "trade". I'd thought that
"office=" might work as a key, but "office=plumber" is only used 5

The page for "craft" shows that a number of different trades are
included: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:craft - eg craft =
builder, carpet_layer, chimney_sweeper, electrician, hvac, insulation,

On 3/27/19, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks everyone!
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 at 21:00, ael via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org>
> wrote:
>> I fear confusion if it uses exactly the same tag. But maybe it could
>> work.
> Open for any thoughts or suggestions of a better word!
> What do you call the place that a tradesman (sorry, ladies!) works out of?
> The "place" that he stores his equipment, is his registered trading
> address, where his business mail is delivered, that (probably) isn't open
> to the general public to come & visit - it could even be his home, *if* he
> has a sign out the front to say "Fred Smith, Electrical Contractor"
>  Maybe tradesman tradesperson=boatbuilder; builder; electrician?
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 at 23:46, Lionel Giard <lionel.gi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Keep in mind that there is already the tags "man_made=works" +
>> "products=*" for industrial scale production. Like the example of a
>> brewery
>> that can be tagged as craft=brewery (when small) or via man_made=works +
>> product=beer (when industrial).
> That's another one I was thinking of & the same applies to =distillery
>> To my understanding, at trade shop can't really be compared to a "craft"
>> guy, as the trade shop only sell bulk material (there is no production
>> there). :-)
> No, I agree it can't.
> Maybe we could specify that shop=trade + trade= must include "supply /
> supplies" eg shop=trade + trade=plumbing_supplies, for the wholesaler that
> carries all the different sizes of pipe, taps & other fittings? ATM,
> there's a mixture eg =building_supplies but also =plumbing:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dtrade
> That would leave trade=plumber for the shed that they work out of.
> On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 01:13, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Around my workplace, the bargaining units use 'craft' and 'trade'
>> pretty much interchangeably. A plumber, electrician, millwright,
>> draughtsman, machinist, ... might be referred to as either a
>> 'craftsman' or 'tradesman'.
>> I know that 'craft' sometimes carries the small-scale, bespoke-work
>> connotation, as in 'hand-crafted' but I'm not too uncomfortable with
>> describing carpentry (even framing work), masonry or steamfitting as
>> 'crafts'.
> I understand what you're saying, Kevin, & to a certain extent agree with
> you, although I think there are still fine lines - a carpenter is
> definitely a tradie, a cabinet maker could be a tradie if they just
> assemble flat-packs, but a craftsman if they do fine, precision work, while
> a woodturner is a craftsman.
> Thanks
> Graeme

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