On 19/03/19 11:27, marc marc wrote:
Le 19.03.19 à 00:25, Warin a écrit :
On 19/03/19 10:14, marc marc wrote:
Le 18.03.19 à 23:46, Warin a écrit :
landcover=artificial .. does not say what is there.
this one doesn't look wrong.
it is a category of several landcover (asphalt, concrete, ...)
Err the proposal is landcover=artificial for areas that are mining areas
(landuse=quarry), housing areas (landuse=residential) and industrial
areas (landuse=industrial).
that's why I took the time to describe what a correct meaning
of landcover=artificial could be.
Are you supporting the proposal for landcover=artificial for areas that are
mining areas (landuse=quarry), housing areas (landuse=residential) and
industrial areas (landuse=industrial)??? Because that is what someone could be
thinking from the comments.
practical example : industrial wastelands that have a few square meters
of concrete, a few square meters of asphalt, some metal plate...
I have no interest in making an object for every different surface but I
may still want to to describe that this part of the landcover is
artificial and that this part of the ground is of wild vegetation type.
OK, but I would strongly object to landcover=artificial for areas that are
mining areas (landuse=quarry), housing areas (landuse=residential) and
industrial areas (landuse=industrial)
Other concrete use: some municipalities charge a variable fee for water
collection depending on whether the landcover is artificial or not.
Calculate the artificialisation index is currently impossible given the
absence of generic tags by category (not everyone necessarily wants to
split a landuse=residential into a few square meter of "vegetable
garden", a few square meter of flower, 10m2 of lawn, 5m2 of bush, 1m2 of
clay, grass, a terrace (whose coverings are sometimes so "imitation"
that you are very lucky to be mistaken in trying to inform the ultra
precise type... e. g. concrete imitation wood)...
? "not for OSM":) Joke.
Good Luck with that. Not something I would map.
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