On 18/03/2019 23:17, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Mon, 18 Mar 2019 at 20:34, Lorenzo Stucchi <lorenzostucch...@outlook.it <mailto:lorenzostucch...@outlook.it>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    Since no more doubts were presented

I'm sorry, but I think every post in reply to your proposal has raised doubts, primarily pointing out that you're creating new tags rather than using existing ones, apparently to make it easier for yourself, rather than OSM mappers in general; & that OSM is not really what you need to produce the results you're apparently looking for.

I'd have to agree with Graeme here.  For all of the reasons that have been already raised, OSM probably isn't the best place for you to run your project.

That said, if you want to map what is there as well as what is not, then it would be helpful to update OSM in parallel with each "deforestation recording session".

Best Regards,


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