Hello, there.

I mapped a forest made of several pieces of woodland, some contiguous and some 
isolated, with differents leaf_types. I mapped this 
(https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/9393253) with a landuse=forest 
multipolygon, with common tags such as name and operator on the relation, and 
with leaf_type tags on the outer members, as each has a different value. It 
seemed a good way to model the fact that these woodlands were considered part 
of the same forest but had differents leaf_types, but I am unsure now: the JOSM 
validator claims that contiguous outer members is an error, and 
openstreetmap.org renders a misplaced name and no leaf_type. Is it a modelling 
failure or a renderer and validator error? In the first case, how should I map 
Awaiting your answers,

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