On 11/03/19 14:39, Sergio Manzi wrote:
On 2019-03-11 04:05, Warin wrote:
On 11/03/19 10:29, Sergio Manzi wrote:
In Italy there are five main, state-wide, police corps:
* /Polizia di Stato/: a civil organization with civil jurisdiction
(/with several different branches dealing with specific
* /Carabinieri/: a military branch with military jurisdiction, but
also civil jurisdiction.
* /Polizia penitenziaria/: a civil organization handling prisons,
but with also other civil jurisdictions.
In the UK these are not police officers and their powers are only
while 'acting as a prison officer' i.e. in relation to prisoners.
They are not considered 'police' by the general populace.
Not here. Automatic Google translation (/sorry, no time for good
translation.../) from the Italian Wikipedia article
/"//Mainly it carries out the task of managing people subjected to
restrictions or restriction of personal freedom. It also carries
out traffic police activities pursuant to art. 12 of the Highway
Code /[but TBH I never saw them acting in this capacity, mainly
handled by the Polizia Stradale (part of the Polizia di Stato) and
by the Carabinieri. smz]/, participates in the maintenance of
public order, carries out judicial police activities and public
safety even outside the prison environment, as well as all other
police forces, carries out escort activities for the protection of
institutional personalities (Minister of Justice, Undersecretaries
of State) and magistrates.//"/
* /Guardia di finanza/: a military organization, but depending
from the Ministry of Finance, with civil jurisdiction on
financial matters.
What do you mean by "military organization'? (/Guardia di finanza)/
Are they under the command of the army/navy/air force?
Or is that the personnel structure is similar to the military
(captains, corporals, etc)
No, they are in a very peculiar situation: they are a militarized
organzation, but not depending from the Ministry of Defence, but the
Ministry of Finance. English Wikipedia aricle about them is quite good
so I refer you to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardia_di_Finanza
* /Corpo delle capitanerie di porto - Guardia costiera/: a
military organization, roughly comparable to the US Coast Guard.
More like the navy?
Or 'water police'?
They are part of the Italian Navy (Marina Militare) but their
responsiblities are more akin of those of the "US Coast Guard". Quite
good English Wikipedia article for them too:
Thanks... I have a bit of reading to do.
The world sure is a mixed up place.
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