Here's the one I was talking about

Only operates as a race track for 4 days a year - 1 practice, 1 qualifying
& 2 race days. The rest of the year it's normal public roads.

(& I even get a mention for editing part of it, but certainly don't
remember doing so?)



On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 14:12, Warin <> wrote:

> On 08/03/19 11:47, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> > I've seen the same tracks marked for once-a-year car races on
> > otherwise normal streets - they should also be deleted?
> I would first transfer them to something else. If they have historic
> significance then OHM.
> The bicycle routes are used by various people so need some care with those.
> Car race routes... who renders/uses/displays them? In other words .. are
> they causing problems to end users?
> The only issue for 'us' is data bloat and confusion. If they are not
> confusing (they make sense) .. then?
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