Mar 5, 2019, 12:17 PM by

> I would hence suggest to introduce a new tag "police" with keys like 
> "station", "administration", "criminal police", "barracks", "range", 
> "naval_base" (for river police or coast guard), etc. The type of police could 
> then be tagged as "operator=*"
> "police=station" should be defined as comprising all police stations of the 
> lowest level, where you can turn to in case of an emergency, no matter 
> whether the operating entity is formally a civil or a military one. Other 
> areas or buildings, like barracks, ranges, administrative units etc. could 
> then be tagged as "police=*" or "military=*", according to the classification 
> of the operating force.
> Any thoughts on this?
I would tag office with internal police administration with some office=* tag, 
without amenity=police

We should not tag Tesco headquarters as shop, we should not tag government 
maintaining canals as waterway=canal and we should not tag government office 
managing police as amenity=police

Similarly, police laboratory, range, barracks, academy, warehouse should also 
should not be 
tagged amenity=police.

But police tag makes sense, just do not require or request to always add also 

I would keep amenity=police to public-facing police places.

To values of police tag - there is also municipal police (in Poland called 
"Straż Miejska"
that is usually mostly handling illegally parked vehicles and minor 
disturbances like 
drunk people).

So also police=municipal?

BTW, I would not mix police type (municipal, state, military, etc) with object 
type (naval_base, 
administration, barracks, range) in one key.
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