On 2019-03-04 11:54, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Do not counter this with "not sufficiently relevant for mapping", as you'll 
> see people will likely tag it ;-)

Personally I counter this for lack of observability/verifiability.

From https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Verifiability

    "At the core, "verifiability" is that everything you do can be demonstrated 
to be true or false - the latter hopefully implying that there has been a 
change on the ground that needs mapping. We apply this not only to the mapping 
data itself, but also to the way in which we record it - the tags and values we 
use to describe the attributes of objects on the map. From a given scenario, a 
tag/value combination is verifiable *if and only if* independent users when 
observing the same feature would make the same observation every time. For a 
user's tagging to be verifiable, it is desirable to have objective criteria for 
tagging. This principle applies to any observable characteristic which is a 
matter of fact, be it numerical or descriptive - a concrete road surface, a red 
brick building, etc. "

Isn't the above an OSM tenet any more?


P.S.: yeah, I know it is a "lost cause", but anyway...

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