Le 02.02.19 à 18:09, Stefano Maffulli a écrit :
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/building:soft_storey 
>> Definition: a type of construction where any one floor is 
>> significantly more flexible (less stiff) than those above and below it

if the goal is to define the seismic quality of a building, wouldn't it 
be better to have a more meaningful tag that allows to have more than a 
binary value?
maybe prexifed with seismic_quality in stead of building in order to be 
able to extend this in the future to bridges or other critical objects 
if some contributors see an interest in it.

existing objects from an old project a few years old can easily be 
converted if this is the only reason to keep the proposed tag
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