On 09/01/2019 19:03, Bryan Housel wrote:
It’s not documentation.  It’s just a bunch of prescriptive advice by random people.  Most of the people involved don’t even work on software.  They’re just really into tagging and arguing, and I don’t have time for it.

At its worst its that, sure - but it's not fair to denigrate the people who've put a lot of effort into trying to make it into good documentation (off the top of my head Harry Wood is just one example of some of the people making a real effort here; Wolfgang from higher up the thread is another).

I'm also not convinced about "most of the people involved don’t even work on software" - writing documentation is a very different skill to writing software, and I've met plenty of people who are excellent at one and are dire at the other (and that works both ways around).

One of the problems with the wiki is that inherently "the last editor has the last say" - nuances felt by previous editors to be important can easily get lost.  Good wiki editors try very hard to avoid that problem; bad ones don't recognise it.  The question is - is there an alternative?  Obviously there are things like the help site and taginfo that provide parts of what used to be provided by the wiki, but better (and I think that the de-emphasising of the wiki on osm.org that happened a while ago made a lot of sense) but I can't really think of an alternative for info such as "with this tag this is what people have had to think about over the years, this (compromise) is where we are now" and so on.

Best Regards,


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