On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 07:54:00 +1000
Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Possibly something like caravan:type=caravan / motorhome / Winnebago /
> camper trailer etc, but then you get to the problem of what is
> difference between a camper van, motorhome & Winnebago?

In the (US) industry, the terminology for self-propelled RVs is "Class
A", "Class B", and "Class C":

Class A: An integrated unit with the driving area being part of the
living area, usually built on a custom or bus chassis.  I think this
corresponds to your "Winnebago".

Class B: Sometimes referred to as a "van conversion", this, as the
name implies, usually uses a full-sized van as the starting point for
construction. I think this corresponds to your "camper van".

Class C: Built on a truck chassis with little or no connection between
the driving and living areas.  I think this corresponds to your

On the non-self-propelled side of things, the split is (roughly) "Fifth
wheel", "travel trailer", and "popup".

Fifth wheel: Connects to the tow vehicle via a fifth-wheel hitch.
Usually the largest and heaviest trailers.

Travel trailer: A hard-sided trailer that connects to the tow vehicle by
a ball hitch.

Popup: A collapsible, usually soft-sided trailer that connects to the
tow vehicle by a ball hitch.

The self-propelled/non-self-propelled split is important enough to be
worth tagging.  It's also, at least in the US, very common for a dealer
to sell one or the other, but not both.  On the other hand, it's very
common for a dealer to sell both Class A and Class C units, or both
fifth-wheels and travel trailers.


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