The coastline should go to the mean high water mark, so if it's a
tidal wetland, the wetland will be seaside.

On Sat, 29 Dec 2018 at 12:30, Joseph Eisenberg
<> wrote:
> Have you seen any areas of mangroves tagged over water? That is,
> outside of the coastline or over natural=water or waterway=riverbank
> areas?
> I would like to be able to render mangroves with a fill color, as with
> wetland-swamp, a similar environment. But this will case a large
> change in the appearance of the coastline if many areas have been
> tagged outside of the coastline, over the water.
> Generally I have been mapping mangroves with the limit of the
> trees/shrubs as the coastline, as recommended on this list a few
> months ago. This appears to be similar to how most swamps are mapped,
> even though a swamp may actually be mostly flooded.
> The wiki page does not clearly specify this, but it does seem to imply
> that mangroves are mapped over land, as it recommends using a
> multipolygon if there are areas of open water or "other land" within
> the mangrove - implying that mangroves are a type of "land".
> - Joseph
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