By the way: We're currently using amenity=fire_station und emergency=ambulance_station -- which is confusing in my opinion.

Am 09.12.2018 um 18:12 schrieb Stefano Maffulli:
On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 8:16 AM Paul Allen < <>> wrote:

    Ambulance stations
    (like fire stations) are places where people should be aware that
    high speed emergency
    vehicles may suddenly appear from.

This is a factor but not the main one for using emergency=fire_station or ambulance. These amenities and buildings are *resources* that are useful during or in the aftermath of disastrous event. The reason why I would want to map the building where ambulances and firestations with the emergency key, instead of the building or amenities is that this information has practical value for disaster preparation and response.

This conversation made me realize that the wiki page could use some more details on the scope of the emergency key, IMO, to also help mappers.

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