Just look at the key government the first thing to strike me was archive, the key is meant to be used with office.

I don't think of government archives as offices... so what is in the data base?

Well for Kew, UK
building=government with amenity=public_building

There are quite a few archives with public building;
Dublin, Ireland
Engu, Nigeria
New York, USA

Some are just buildings;
California, USA
Normandy, France
Cairo, Egypt
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Some are Libraries;
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Adelphi, USA

Some are museums;
Tokyo, Japan
Kabul, Afghanistan

Some are government offices;
Zomba, Malawi
Libreville, Gabon
Gaborone, Botswana
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Delhi, India
Bangkok, Thailand

Would be nice to have some consistency?
Usually at least one of these per country, some times several depending on the 
size of the country.
I found the above by searching for 'national archives'.

I think Kew has it best;
 building=government with amenity=public_building

Humm that does not cover where there is one office you go to that is part of a 
larger building having other offices.. do these exist?
And if so .. are they really an office ... or more like a library or a museum? 
I think a library, they are documents, very few 'artefacts'.


There will be some that have 'off site storage'. These will be buildings, 
perhaps best described as warehouses?
So building=warehouse, access=private could be best?
I think that is fairly clear.

PS It seems that as I hunt down one problem I come across several more annoying 
ones ..
though they decrease in numbers in the data base. I think I should buy some 
blinkers and stop seeing these things!!!

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