Exactly right.  Government has a legal monopoly on coercion, ranging
from the death penalty to collection of taxes and enforcement of the
barking dog ordinance in Fairfax County, Virginia.  Contractors do a lot
of government work (in the United States, contractors outnumber
direct-hire government employees by a ratio of 2.5:1) but their firms
are or should be tagged office=company while the government offices
where they may perform their duties should be tagged office=government.

I supervised a computer shop for two years.  One-third of my
subordinates were direct-hire government employees.  Two-thirds worked
for a private company with a government contract.  They shared offices
and were virtually interchangeable.  The corporate headquarters was
separate, and in my mind would have been tagged office=company.  My
government office building (the South Agriculture Building, largest
government office building in the District of Columbia at the time)
would have been tagged office=ministry since USDA is a Cabinet

The bus company in Ashgabat is state-owned.  I have tagged its depot as
a bus depot, not as a government office.  Function to me also plays a role.


On 11/4/2018 8:42 PM, Colin Smale wrote:
> The activity of a prison is on behalf of a government, pursuant to a
> statutory duty of the government to administer justice. That its
> operation is outsourced to a private company doesn't change that fact.
> You can't just start your own prison - it is a state monopoly.
> Public transport may be a state monopoly, but sometimes it isn't. In
> the middle you have state regulation, which is the status in much of
> the UK. Anyone can start a bus company, but you need to register the
> route at least. (I think it might be a bit more complicated than
> that...) Providing free transport, well, I suppose anyone can make it
> free if they want, but the money has to come from somewhere...
> On 2018-11-04 15:41, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> sent from a phone
>> On 4. Nov 2018, at 10:19, Allan Mustard <al...@mustard.net
>> <mailto:al...@mustard.net>> wrote:
>>> If it is a budget-dependent company/corporation, such as the
>>> Commodity Credit Corporation of the U.S. government, which generates
>>> no revenue of its own and relies wholly on appropriations from the
>>> U.S. Congress, yes, it should be tagged government.  As Deep Throat
>>> said, "Follow the money!"
>> I find this difficult, because it implies we define what is original
>> government duty and what is not. Providing beer is apparently not a
>> government job (any more?), providing healthcare might be (?), what
>> about transportation? Is free public transportation a government
>> duty? They surely wouldn't generate (at least direct) profits, and if
>> the service isn't free it could still be financed by the government
>> and not be profitable. Similarly the providing of energy, water, the
>> treatment of waste. Europeans tend to see prisons as government
>> sites, in the US prisons are often private.
>> Ciao, Martin 
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