Any opinions on the order of the tag?

Just a couple of people have said that default:language would be preferred
to language:default.

It will take some time to update the proposal page, so I would like a few
more opinions


On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 10:16 AM Joseph Eisenberg <> wrote:

> Should we change the tag from language:default to default:language?
> I've found out that language:* has already been used in the format
> language:de, language:fr, language:en, etc, for the languages taught at a
> school. See
> And
> language=* has been used, though rarely.
> There is also a page for default_language, which was made without going
> through the proposal process. And there is a new proposal to specify all
> "defaults" in the fomat default:subkey, though I have also seen this the
> other way around, eg key:default, suggested for maxspeed.
> I am not wedded to the current tag "language:default=<code>". Please
> respond here (or on the talk page) if you prefer default:language=<code> or
> default_language=<code>, or if you prefer the current order.
> Proposal:
> Talk page:
> Thank you,
> Joseph
> On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 9:36 PM Joseph Eisenberg <
>> wrote:
>> Please see the Proposal page for the new tag, "language:default=<language
>> code>"
>> Description:
>> "Specify the default language format used for names, and recommend use
>> of language-specific name tags.
>> "By making it easier to use language-specific name:code=* tags to be
>> used instead of the default name=* tag, this proposal will encourage
>> the use of name tags that include the language code for all features.
>> This will improve the quality and utility of the database. It will be
>> possible to display non-Western languages in their correct orientation
>> and script, properly display multilingual names, and to research the
>> most commonly used language formats in a particular area.
>> "The key language:default=* with a 2 or 3 letter ISO language code
>> should be tagged on administrative boundary relations, such as
>> countries, provinces and aboriginal communities. This is the language
>> used for the majority of named features within a particular region, as
>> indicated on public signs and in common use by the local community. If
>> the language can be written in more than one script, a qualifier can
>> be added to specify the script format. More than one language code can
>> be listed, separated with a semicolon, if the local community uses
>> more than one language on signs or by consensus.
>> "The language tag should be applied to the largest boundary relation
>> that accurately represents the language used for default names. When a
>> smaller administrative boundary has a different default language
>> format, this boundary should receive a language tag as well. This
>> would include boundaries of provinces or aboriginal lands where a
>> different language is used.
>> "The language tag may also be applied to individual features when the
>> name is in a different language than the default for the region, or
>> when the feature crosses a border."
>> Please read the whole page, which has quite a number of examples and a
>> detailed rationale for the proposal, then please comment here or on
>> the discussion page:
>> Thank you for all of your comments, criticisms and suggestions
>> -Joseph
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