Do canals have named sections?

Waterway=section would work for canals too, if there are such a thing as
canal reaches or sections or bends

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 5:32 AM Colin Smale <> wrote:

> On 2018-09-28 07:37, Dave Swarthout wrote:
> The discussion about the definition of "reach" is interesting but IMO it's
> slightly off topic.  Perhaps, because of those differences in its
> interpretation, we would be best served by not using the term at all.
> The point of raising the "reach" business it to help abstracting the
> proposed tagging model to make it more generic. If we consolidate all the
> thoughts expressed so far, we can say that:
> * there can be contiguous linear sections of a river which can have names
> * they can be "straight" (for example "reaches") or "curved" (for example
> "bends")
> * they can (partially) overlap each other, and there may be gaps (there
> may not be a clear, sharp transition from one section to the next)
> * they encompass the entire width of the river and are not just a 2D line
> This is pointing towards:
> * a way along the centre line of the river (colinear with the main_stream
> lines?)
> * waterway=river_section
> * river_section={reach,bend,...}
> * name=*
> Is this a basis that we can work incrementally forwards from?
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