> On Sep 24, 2018, at 7:10 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> I am not even sure if restaurants are a type of retail

Restaurants sell food. Unless it is an “amenity” that belongs to a larger 
thing, I assume that all restaurants are building=retail. this is especially 
true of fast food restaurants. 

there may be situations where a restaurant is a point inside a larger building 
(a tower with a restaurant on top, a hotel with a restaurant inside, an 
apartment complex with a small restaurant on the first floor, etc ), but a 
purpose-built building along a road with a parking lot is certainly retail. 

we have =office and =hotel,  a type of building=commercial, so if you suggest 
we make building=restaurant, that seems fine to me. But in it’s absence, 
building=retail is the correct value (to me). 


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