I personally think that

    amenity=ambulance_station + building=ambulance_station

would work well and fit in the schema we're using for

    * schools
    * hospitals
    * fire stations

but: it's not amenity=ambulance_station we're using at the moment. We're using emergency=ambulance_station -- so: How do we solve this?

Am 21.09.2018 um 11:17 schrieb Anton Klim:
I’m not sure I understand why it would be a landuse instead of an amenity tag on the area, or the other way round? Are landuses supposed to be for larger areas?

21 сент. 2018 г., в 9:58, Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl <mailto:colin.sm...@xs4all.nl>> написал(а):

What about landuse=ambulance_station on the area? What would the landuse be otherwise?

Asking for a friend...

On 2018-09-21 10:47, dktue wrote:

How about ambulance stations?

Should we tag the area with emergency=ambulance_station and the building with building=ambulance_station?


Am 21.09.2018 um 03:23 schrieb Mike H:
I've only mapped one station like this so far, but the area is actually rendered on the map. https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/616033018

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 9:43 AM Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org <mailto:t.pfei...@computer.org>> wrote:

    Yes of course, I've been doing this for long already.

    On 20.09.2018 14:06, Philip Barnes wrote:
    > Yes, just go for it. Makes perfect sense.
    > Phil (trigpoint)
    > On 20 September 2018 12:56:03 BST, dktue
    <em...@daniel-korn.de <mailto:em...@daniel-korn.de>> wrote:
    >     Hello,
    >     I love how we map areas with amenity=school and buildings
    inside of it
    >     with building=school. The same goes for amenity=hospital and
    >     building=hospital.
    >     What I'd like to have is the same schema for
    firestations: They often
    >     have a large area and one or multiple buildings on it.
    >     Should I go with amenity=fire_station for the area and
    >     building=fire_station for the buildings inside of it?
    >     Cheers,
    >     dktue

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