Re: "How about "name:language_order=fr;nl"? No confusion possible there,
whereas "name:language=fr;nl" would not specify the order, unless you
define the list of languages to be an ordered list, which AFAIK would be a
new concept to OSM."
In Brussels they would actually like to be able to display the two
languages neutrally, without a set display order. I don't think a display
order specification is necessary. That information is already in the
default "name=*" tag

"Is it intended to be only for street names? If so, highway:name:language=*
might be required to make that clear. Or does everything that can have a
name need to fit in with this?"

Not only streets. Everything with a name=* tag has the same issues

On Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 11:02 PM Colin Smale <> wrote:

> On 2018-09-15 15:18, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> Re: "A default should not require multiple values! It is the single value
> to be used in the absence of an explicit value. If you think you need
> multiple defaults, see my comment above about different contexts."
> The idea is to allow a community to choose 2 languages to be displayed
> together as the default language setting, if so desired. If you check out
> the Multilingual Names wiki page
> <>, there are
> places where people choose to standardize the default name=* be a
> combination of two languages or two encodings; eg  fr + nl in Brussels, or
> Arabic + French in Moroco. If this is going to be adopted by the folks in
> Belgium, Morocco etc, there should be the choice of specifying two (or 3)
> languages, to fit with their current preference.
> How about "name:language_order=fr;nl"? No confusion possible there,
> whereas "name:language=fr;nl" would not specify the order, unless you
> define the list of languages to be an ordered list, which AFAIK would be a
> new concept to OSM.
> I'm not trying to change the way the default name=* tag is used, just
> trying to make it more useful by tagging what language is actually being
> used in the value for the name key. And I suspect there may be more
> communities that will choose this option, to encourage displaying names
> both in the local langauge and in the official or national language.
> So your idea is only for multilingual areas? Seems a bit of a waste.
> Combine this with "name:language=fr" in Wallonia, "name:language=nl" in
> Flanders, "name:language=de" in the Ostkantons, and "name:language=fr;nl"
> in Brussels?
> Is it intended to be only for street names? If so, highway:name:language=*
> might be required to make that clear. Or does everything that can have a
> name need to fit in with this?
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