On 2018-08-07 15:43, marc marc wrote:

> I think there's too much redundancy in using is_in:continent.
> it is useless, for example, to say that a street + the municipality
> + the region + the country is all in the same continent.
> it is enough to tag the largest polygon with is_in:continent and erase 
> those that provide the same information redundantly on objects included 
> in that polygon.
> this would limit the number of is_in:continent to one per country or a 
> few per country for countries with very scattered territories (e.g. 
> overseas territories for France)

There are several countries that span multiple continents... Russia,
Turkey, Spain and indeed France for example. 

This possibly demonstrates at least two sorts of continent: "political"
and "geographic." Other continent types are available.
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