I'd think this should be a relation - not a way.
At the moment the proposals says it is only a way.

And it might be better to place it directly in the emergency key?
Say emergency=evacuation_route??? Humm emergency says it is not for relations. 
Arr well.

Rendering... yes .. a rendering for emergency use would be good.
Possibly this can be done for small areas rather than the world.
Emergency evacuation centres, routes etc.

Evacuation routes may also be made for other things .. e.g. fire .. so I'd add 
a '/*' at the end to accommodate things we have not though about.

On 06/08/18 12:25, Eric H. Christensen wrote:
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Last year I made a feature proposal[0] last year regarding evacuation routes.  
There were a couple of recommended changes to the RFC[1] and while I agreed 
with them I 1) failed to make them and 2) got side tracked on a couple of other 
initiatives.  Now that it's hurricane season, again, here in the Eastern U.S. 
I've come back to this and am hoping to get this completed this time.

I've changed this from being a key to being a route, which makes better sense.  
Does anyone see any other changes that need to be made or can we go ahead with 
a vote?


[0] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2017-September/033340.html
[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Evacuation_routes

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