That sounds right but would not be clearer to use spacename instead of
underscore? Like maxspeed:mph=25
That way you have to deal with main keys instead of split them into one key
per unit.

El lun., 30 jul. 2018 0:22, Martin Koppenhoefer <>

> sent from a phone
> > On 29. Jul 2018, at 09:57, Javier Sánchez Portero <>
> wrote:
> >
> > To avoid problems when querying, in case of explicitly add units, I
> would prefer to use a separate tag like maxspeed:units=mph, for example.
> spreading the information over 2 tags creates another point of possible
> failure: units and tag value getting out of sync.
> Moving the unit into the key would work better in some way: height_m=3
> maxspeed_mph=25
> It would enable differing values in different units, but at least these
> would be evidently wrong (e.g maxspeed_kph=30 and ...mph=25 on the same
> object), and of course you shouldn’t add both anyway (unless they would
> both be legally correct)
> cheers,
> Martin
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