Lifecycle prefixes are not for adding historic or future data in OpenStreetMap. 
Please see for that.

These prefixes are in OSM only to avoid mapping mistakes. For example, when a 
building is visible on a commonly used satellite imagery, but has been 
demolished, we use was:building (not sure about the exact prefix) to tell 
mappers not to re-add it to the map. When a mapper finds a plan for a new city 
block, a prefix "proposed:" will tell them that yes, we know about that plan, 
but it's not up yet.

Another use for lifecycle prefixes is a temporary closure. For example, when a 
shop closes and most likely another shop will open, we add "disused:shop" to 
mark the location of the POI, prompting to re-survey it.

By no means you should use these prefixes to _add_ information about something 
that's not there. OSM is only for objects that exist on the ground right now. 
With a few exceptions dictated by nature of mapping.


> 24 июля 2018 г., в 16:30, yo paseopor <> написал(а):
> Hi!
> As I have received some notes for Mueschel and other user in a authorized 
> import of the Spanish Cadastre I want to explain some variations I use in 
> tagging of erased items. The rationale is simple: If I can use the prefix 
> "was:" and also exists and 
> why I can't use it with 
> exact information: nor "was" but the year or the exact date of the 
> information (I know it because I am from the zone of that item).
> Yes, I see there is with some suffixes, specially name  . But if I do that I 
> will lose some information I have had with the other tags. Also I would might 
> use it a suffix (one user told me query it aat taginfo : about ~100 uses) . 
> And then I think: What if I do the same but with the prefix (as the lifecycle 
> prefix) . In that way the tags will be ordered by year, making easy the 
> possibility to make a map with a specific year, for example. Also I don't 
> lose any information and as the prefix (not new tags, sorry) is numeric when 
> you order the tags to edit in software like JOSM these are together without 
> bug disturbances or influences on the present of the information. Also these 
> kind of tags would be able to be ignored to standard systems as iD, for 
> example. It is better to make that in prefix than the suffix.
> Salut i mapes
> yopaseopor
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