It seems that detached is supposed to be a more detailed value than house.
I went through as many house type values for building as I could find of
taginfo, and put them into a table quite a few of them look to be
duplicates/typos. I've attached that table to this email. I used the parent
column there to list the more general option above the current row, or if
the value was a duplicate I added that in there.

I also came up with this tree of values as best as I could (sorted by


If that seems correct to everyone I'll see if I can edit the wiki to make
all of this a bit more clear.

On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 8:58 PM Jmapb <> wrote:

> On 7/22/2018 6:16 PM, Warin wrote:
> >
> > For a row of houses .. ie terrace houses there is
> >
> >
> > I disagree with the suggesting if they are individually mapped they
> > should be tagged building=house, they are still a terrace so
> > building=terrace is still appropriate and more detailed.
> By my understanding, the building=terrace tag is to be used when an
> entire set (terrace) of row houses is mapped as a single building way.
> Then the individual residences can be indicated using address nodes or
> address interpolation.
> If each individual row house is mapped as its own building way, each
> should be tagged building=house.
> (Per the wiki, building=terrace is for "a single way used to define the
> outline of a linear row of residential dwellings, each of which normally
> has its own entrance, which form a terrace (row-house in North American
> English). Consider defining each dwelling separately using 'house'.")
> J
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