On 05/07/18 08:59, Jmapb wrote:
On 7/4/2018 4:29 PM, Paul Allen wrote:
Seems OK to me.  They're selling after-life insurance.  Pay your tithe or put money on the collection plate and you go to heaven.  And there's a money-back guarantee: if you don't go to heaven, or there's no afterlife at all, simply return and make a complaint and they'll give you your money back.  They've never had to pay up under that guarantee in the thousands of years they've been operating.  That shows how good they are.

So, access=saps?

This reminds me of something I've been meaning to ask the list... I've got a lot of psychics in the area. I've been tagging them shop=psychic because that's what the signs say, but I don't really feel OSM ought to be endorsing unverifiable claims of supernatural power. shop=charlatan seems a little judgemental. So I was considering changing them to shop=fortune_teller. I think this will cover psychics, palmists, tea-leafists, tarot readers, etc. What do people think?

Shops sell physical objects e.g. bread, vegetables, paper.

These .. people .. don't sell physical objects .. so they are not a shop. There are, at best, an office.

office=charlatan would cover far too many 'services' e.g. politicians, financial advisors, etc... I think the term 'fortune_teller' would also fail to be specific enough.. possibly a sub tag is needed?
fortune_teller=financial/general/love ?
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