Heh. Another example of the imperfectibility of language.

Neither the GTFS specification nor the NetEx standard envisions any
distinction between boarding-only and alighting-only points (or mixed ones,
for that matter), and I have never encountered any bus route where such a
distinction was made. Since the wiki is supposed to be descriptive, I have
amended it accordingly, but of course there will still be other precisions
to be made.

I think Thorsten's description of the magic transfer is very accurate.

One of the advantages of PTv2 over PTv1 is the ability to tag mutlimodal
platforms. Tram platforms are frequently multimodal, but others can be as
well. The tags used (not controversial) are public_transport = platform +
<mode> = yes, for one or more mode tags. The controversy referred to in
another thread is that this duplicates (some of) the access=* mode tags, so
there is a potential confusion between bus=yes when it is intended to be an
access tag and bus=yes when it is a modal tag for public transport.

I have previously gone on record as supporting "access:bus=yes" when access
is meant, but I don't think that's very practical, and in the real world
the conflict doesn't exist. (I suppose an alternative would be
"public_transport:bus=yes" for such cases, which might make things simpler
for parsing software, and maybe for editor software, but makes no
difference otherwise that I can see.)


On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 2:35 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> sent from a phone
> > On 22. Jun 2018, at 13:53, Johnparis <ok...@johnfreed.com> wrote:
> >
> > It's not always a waiting area, btw, sometimes it's reserved for leaving
> the transportation device.
> the definition for public_transport=platform is “The place where
> passengers are waiting for the public transport vehicles.”
> if the area is not used for waiting, you cannot tag it as platform, you
> could use something like boarding_area
> Cheers,
> Martin
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