Hi all,

would you say this picture is "off topic" ?

It seems I misunderstood the field of activity of the DWG


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff:        Re: [Ticket#2018051110000098] copyright infringement, imports,
and serious disputes and vandalism ?
Datum:  Fri, 11 May 2018 16:14:10 +0000
Von:    Data Working Group <d...@otrs.openstreetmap.org>
Organisation:   OpenStreetMap
An:     th...@gmx.de


you do not have to discuss everything you add to the wiki as long as
your edits are in keeping with the general style and purpose of the wiki.

Making an article on an OSM tag into a "nice picture gallery" is *not*
in keeping with the general style and purpose of the wiki; such an
extraordinary deviation from the usual norm would require a good reason.

If you cannot, or are not willing to, give such a good reason, then
that's your freedom, but you have to accept that the images you added
are being removed.

The fact that many norms are not documented explicitly doesn't mean that
they don't exist. For example, there's no written rule that says you
cannot include a poem of your favourite author on a tag description
page, but still it would be removed if you did.

Best regards
Frederik Ramm

OpenStreetMap Foundation
Data Working Group - d...@osmfoundation.org

05/11/2018 16:04 - Thilo Haug OSM wrote:

Hi Frederik,

I think I don't need to describe democratic principles ("legitimacy of
DWG powers").

As I understand OSM so far,
it is based on principles / guidelines agreed by the community.

Please send me the link to the according guideline regarding images.

The general attitude of Mateusz IMHO prevents any motivation to
contribute to the wiki
(deleting or moving stuff WITHOUT consensus or based on guidelines, but
based on personal bias).
Especially as it doesn't affect content which could disturb anyone.

I refer to this guideline
which DOES NOT say every step (each picture or similar) has to be discussed.

I will not ask for permission (of whom, how long ?)
for any smaller edit as long as there's no (discussed ?) regulation for
It simply doesn't make sense to discuss each and every step,
then the OSM development would soon die (or be replaced by another
community project).

If there were any reason exept his personal one,
there would be a lot of work to do in the wiki.


Am 11.05.2018 um 13:46 schrieb Data Working Group:
Dear Thilo Haug,

the removal of images from the Wiki page by Mateusz Konieczny is in line
with the usual design of our wiki pages where images are used to clarify
mapping. Our wiki pages are not galleries of pretty images related to
the topic at hand.

If you feel that the many large images that you added are necessary to
explain the tagging of space ports, please start a discussion with the
other community members on
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Tag:aeroway%3Dspaceport. If the
result of that discussion is that the inclusion of images is desirable,
then we will consider acting against someone who removes them.

I don't understand your question about the legitimacy of DWG powers and
in how far it applies to this situation. Please elaborate.

Best regards
Frederik Ramm

OpenStreetMap Foundation
Data Working Group - d...@osmfoundation.org

05/11/2018 10:18 - Thilo Haug OSM wrote:

Hi all,

this guy acts like a would-be local sheriff,
could you please prevent this ?

AFAIK the "members of the DWG" aren't legitimated democratically
to do anything they personally think is correct,
or is this a case of "of removing of "redacting" information
that cannot be distributed in OSM for legal reasons" ?


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff:        OpenStreetMap Wiki page Tag:aeroway=spaceport has been changed
by Mateusz Konieczny
Datum:  Fri, 11 May 2018 07:55:01 +0000
Von:    OpenStreetMap Wiki <w...@noreply.openstreetmap.org>
Antwort an:     w...@noreply.openstreetmap.org
An:     Rtfm <th...@gmx.de>


Dear Rtfm,

The OpenStreetMap Wiki page Tag:aeroway=spaceport has been changed on
11 May 2018 by Mateusz Konieczny, see
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:aeroway%3Dspaceport for the
current revision. 

To view this change, see

For all changes since your last visit, see

Editor's summary: Undo revision 1607969 by
[[Special:Contributions/Rtfm|Rtfm]] ([[User talk:Rtfm|talk]]) remove
1000px gallery image 

Contact the editor:
wiki: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Mateusz_Konieczny

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