I was recently on holiday in Turin, where addresses are mapped as POIs inside 
the buildings; a few have been fleshed out as businesses but many shops remain 
unmapped. I was once able to identify which node to fill out but the others 
were going to take more time than I was willing to spend.



From: Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
Sent: 09 May 2018 22:41
To: tagging@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [Tagging] address property vs. housenumber as a feature

Is there a way to indicate a housenumber is a feature, vs. a property?

In many places, housenumbers refer to buildings or sites, and you might omit 
addresses on contained features (because you can hope for inheritance from the 
containing address object). Unfortunately the situation in Italy is a bit 
different in this regard, as housenumbers are assigned to entrances (either 
site or building) and even potential entrances.

This leads to the common situation that the same housenumber appears multiple 
times (on the entrance as a feature and on the contained features like 
businesses as an address property). Businesses being accessible through 
different housenumbers is not a rare exception but rather common. They deal 
with it differently: while some list all or a bunch of the numbers as their 
address, others choose one (often but not always the main entrance).

If you map the POI as an area, you might often be able to represent the numbers 
that are part of the area (unless they are not on the ground floor, or the 
building is not directly on the street hence the number is typically at a gate 
on the site perimeter). Still most people (including myself) don’t map small 
businesses in shared buildings as areas, so duplicated address information is 

Some of my fellow mappers are dealing with this by adding the poi information 
to the entrance, but this is unsatisfactory because of several reasons:

- it can only deal with cases where one number is for one business, it doesn’t 
work for multiple entrances or numbers and it doesn’t work for shared entrances 
(one number for several pois)

- it is topologically wrong (the poi is not on the perimeter, neither inside 
nor outside, it is inside). The poi is also not the same as the entrance, if 
you add entrance=* it is an entrance and should not get other tags for a 
different object (the poi) like name etc.



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