Russia is an example of this, they have many unpaved quarternary and
quinary roads.

07-05-2018 21:13 tarihinde Kevin Kenny yazdı:
> On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 12:47 PM, yo paseopor <
> <>> wrote:
>     The topic is the classification of OSM is not the same as
>     countries have, and this make troubles. An UNCLASSIFIED road as
>     its name says it is unclassified...but when you need some road
>     classification with a step more than tertiary then you use
>     unclassified, and if the road has put in then. Why don't
>     you reorder the tertiary roads? They also catch your less thant
>     tertiary roads in your country. Also it is the same problem with
>     trunk or primary: whatis the difference between trunk of one lane
>     per direction and a primary road? Also you have the issue if you
>     consider the administrative classification as we do some
>     countries: a trunk may be a trunk because being managed by one
>     specific administration? WTF? Is it good for the map? All the
>     roads by a local administration should be unclassified? It is a
>     complicated problem. I suggest to reclassify the other roads in
>     their grades to make unclassified roads unclassified as the name
>     says it.
> One issue is that we have the "UK English is the language of tagging"
> rule - which widely gets interpreted as "highway classification must
> be force-fit into the UK system." The US system presents a complex
> problem for this, since most highway classification is delegated to
> the states, and they all have their own local schemes.
> In many counties in the US, rural roads are unnamed and have only
> reference numbers. A farm road may be "County Road 2200N" (which is a
> different classification from, say, "County Highway 23", and typically
> shown only on small blade signs, not banner signs) or "State Farm and
> Market Road #2134". As I understand it, it would fit pretty closely
> with what "unclassified" roads - which are a formal classification in
> the UK! - are understood to be. 
> Near where I live, numbered 'US', 'State' and many 'County' roads do
> NOT reflect the governing body - they are all managed by the state
> department of transportation. Historically, they had other structures,
> but responsibilities were reallocated. The 'US' highway numbers are
> coordinated with neighbouring states, but the administration is by the
> state.  There are also numbered but (nearly) unsigned 'reference
> routes' also maintained by the state to 'State' highway standards. I
> say 'nearly' unsigned because they do often have inconspicuous
> chaining markers with their numbers.  
> Rather than labeling the governing body, the 'US', 'State' and
> 'County' designations around here reflect the grade of importance,
> expected level of traffic and expected quality of maintenance.  Given
> that the designation reflects relative importance rather than
> administrative jurisdiction, despite the labeling, I'm comfortable
> with having US, State, and County numbered roads be 'primary',
> 'secondary' and 'tertiary' - but in the places where the counties
> number virtually every road, there is a need for a tier below
> 'tertiary' - and 'unclassified' seems to be it; it's a working
> category that might otherwise be 'quaternary.' 
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