The main problem multilingual map effort is trying to solve is how to
calculate the language of the "name" tag.  Without it, name tag becomes
nearly useless.  For example:

* An Italian user viewing a feature in China with two tags: "name" and
"name:fr".   In this case, "name:fr" tag is preferred because "name" is
likely to be in Chinese - not great for an Italian speaker.
* Same tags, but the feature is in Italy -- now "name" tag is the better
choice because the name is actually in the same language as the reader.

Without knowing the language of the "name" tag, we cannot use it as part of
the "script matching" - give preference to languages that use the same
script as the reader, even if the language is different.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 12:29 PM, Andy Townsend <> wrote:

> On 24/04/2018 09:11, Rory McCann wrote:
>> Ireland has 2 official languges (Irish first & then English), but only
>> ~2% of the population speak Irish daily. There are some legal defined
>> regions of Ireland which are supposed to be "Irish speaking areas", but
>> even there Irish is a minority language. So how should that be tagged?
>> (Some day we'll get around to mapping the Gaeltachtaí)
> Ireland's pretty much a "best case" for this as it does have defined
> language regions for Irish.  Most places don't.
>> If you want to know the language in a multi-lingual area, why not look at
>> the name, and name:XX tags. If the name value is the same as a name:Z then
>> Z is the language.
> That won't always work.  You can probably guess the example I'm going to
> pick next - :)
> For those unaware, the story there is summarised at
> .  It's a while since I've
> been there; not sure how much of a "cause celebre" it is currently.  I've
> certainly heard people on RTE refer to it as "Dingle / An Daingean" (that's
> the English name and the commonly used Irish name but not the official
> Irish name...).
> Best Regards,
> Andy
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