On 09/04/2018 11:55, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
Currently definition at
is unclear, it fits two cases
* intercity bus station (routes between cities, importance comparable
to railway=station)
* terminus highway=bus_stop (routes within city terminate and start
here, minor importance, importance lower than railway=halt)
while in my experience tag is used only in the first case (what makes
Would it be OK to edit wiki and restrict it only to the first meaning?
Being a bus station or not has nothing to do with whether the routes
from there are intercity or not (though often intercity routes will stop
at a bus station rather than elsewhere) or whether bus routes terminate
or not (though often they will).
I suspect the wiki author is just trying to describe "what tends to
happen at" a bus station rather than defining it. The picture on the
wiki is somewhat confusingly a combined tram and bus station; maybe
pictures of more examples from more continents would help?
Best Regards,
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