Same in Ireland, I don't think I ever hear any part of a bus referred to as a platform, possibly because we didn't have those Routemaster buses with open boarding areas.
And yes, a bus stop is a bus stop, plain and simple. It is not a platform because there is normally no raised structure. Rail and bus have different physical infrastructure so it is not surprising they use different words. In that sense highway=bus_stop was a lot closer to natural language. On Sun, 8 Apr 2018, 14:46 Paul Allen, <> wrote: > > On Sun, Apr 8, 2018 at 12:49 PM, ael <> wrote: > >> >> In the context of buses, it tends to refer to the part of the vehicle >> where people may stand to alight or board. >> >> In my part of the UK, we never referred to that part of a bus as a > platform. > > The old AEC Routemaster buses operated in London did refer to that as a > platform. > But that was because it was not just an entranceway but also an area for a > few > passengers to stand when it was crowded. Also there was no door, so > people could > hop on or off while the bus was moving (not legal, but people did it). See > > > In general, though, I wouldn't consider buses to have platforms. And I > would > never refer to a bus stop as a platform unless it were raised higher than > the > pavement/causeway/sidewalk leading up to it. A bus stop is a bus stop. > Unless > it's at a bus station, in which case it's a stance. Unless it's at a bus > station in Wales, > in which case it's a Safle. > > -- > Paul > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > >
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