On 4 April 2018 08:44:08 BST, "Javier Sánchez Portero" <javiers...@gmail.com> 
>The definition of the tag building=grandstand says that they are
>roofed, this implies that not always are roofed. 
My view is that a grandstand is a solid building and will contain services for 
spectators such as toilets, fast food, bars, restaurants and changing rooms. 

Mostly associated with professional sport. 

Bleachers are open structures, usually associated with American High School and 
University sports. 

I understand that the
>leisure=bleachers is discouraged for not being British English.
Why? As a native speaker of British English I can see nothing wrong with 
Bleachers, there is no word in BE to describe these as they are not suitable 
for a Northern European climate. 

I think the key difference is a building v open frame structure. 

Phil (trigpoint) 
>2018-04-04 8:27 GMT+01:00 Tomasz Wójcik <tom...@wp.pl>:
>> Reading descriptions of these two tags:
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:building%3Dgrandstand
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:leisure=bleachers
>> the conclusion is that grandstand have a roof above and bleachers
>> Do I understand it correctly? If yes, I want to emphasize it in the
>> documentaton.
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