W dniu 19.03.2018 o 02:40, Martin Koppenhoefer pisze:

actually castle_type=manor is in the 300-2400 range, while historic=manor in 
the 2400-19200 range, and it has more than double the usage ;-)


I meant the same order of magnitude.

I don’t follow the 2 tags are easier than 1  tag philosophy, especially as the 
2 usually contain at least one key that is only used in a very narrow field 
(like castle_type here), and as not all specific things that are squeezed into 
a generic term (here castle) will typically be considered instances of “term” 
(you can see this also in tower:type).

It's not "easier" in general - for example more typing is harder, of course. It's just easier to categorize when tagging ("is it stately or manor? Well, historic=palace covers both") and rendering ("I will cover the historic=castle with one generic icon, at least all the subtypes will be visible").

But this is not my main concern. I want to know what to do with two proper schemes documented on the Wiki which apparently describe the same type of object - no matter if it's expressed with one or more tags.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

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