On 17/03/2018 09:51, Daniel Koć wrote:
Since there was no response so far, may I propose to deprecate using historic=manor and suggest on the wiki page to use only historic=castle + castle_type=manor instead. The reasons:

OSM doesn't really have deprecated tags, except in special cases (for example highway=ford on a way is a bad idea, because you can't say what kind of ford it is).

Also "castle:type=manor" hasn't exactly troubled the scorers so far, has it?   https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/castle:type=manor shows a grand total of _3_.

2. There's a section on historic=manor wiki that says:

"There may sometimes be problems distinguishing between manors, castles, stately homes. The manor tag is intended only for representative buildings that are in the same time the administrative center of a large agricultural estate. Buildings lacking this economic feature should not be tagged."

I wouldn't read too much into the wiki here.  I suspect that almost no-one who tags these objects has read it (and I'm basing that on a fairly extensive analysis of the usage of historic tags in the UK and Ireland).

Being a subtype of castle shows that distinction is softer than when using a separate tag.

3. It's easier for data consumers (including rendering) to have more general categories with subcategories.

Speaking as a data consumer, not really.  Some aspects of historic tagging were difficult, but those were the questions of "is that thing still there", "is that thing a building/ruined building, or the grounds in which the building is" and "this has a historic tag and lots of other tags; which to render"?

For info the relevant bit of the list that I'm using for "historic stuff to render" starts at https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/SomeoneElse-style/blob/master/style.lua#L1571 = that's only a long list because I'm looking at all historic stuff, not just "castle" and "manor".

I'm using exactly the same rendering pipeline as OSM's standard style, BTW.

Best Regards,


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