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> On 15. Feb 2018, at 14:53, tomoya muramoto <> wrote:
> I added some photo example to wiki, 

Please do not add more examples to the wiki which contradict the definition 
(that a wayside shrine requires a shrine) while we’re still discussing here.

Looking in a dictionary, “shrine” can mean:

A place regarded as holy because of its associations with a divinity or a 
sacred person or relic, marked by a building or other construction.

1.1 A place associated with or containing memorabilia of a particular revered 
person or thing.
‘her grave has become a shrine for fans from all over the world’
.2 A casket containing sacred relics; a reliquary
1.3 A niche or enclosure containing a religious statue or other object.

all these examples are about “enclosing” something, because it is the meaning 
of shrine and enshrining. 

I would not consider a freestanding statue or several of them (not in a niche 
or covered or inside some other construction) , a “shrine”
(this refers to the buddhist example that was added and to the column that was 
already there)

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