Hi all,

did I miss the
"consensus with the community, after long and detailed discussions"
here ?

There are two guys which appear to me like religios bigot on an Inquisition,
but maybe the definitions in the wiki are just unclear / too interpretable :

Please let me know what you think of this definition
and whether it applies to the "motorcycle_friendly" tag.


Am 05.10.2017 um 23:19 schrieb Warin:
> On 05-Oct-17 10:41 PM, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
>> In my understanding, we would not map the personal preferences and
>> hobbies of individuals. 
> ? We all map our personal preference and hobbies!
> Walkers map public rights of way and bicycle riders map bicycle paths,
> bicycle parking, bicycle repair stands, drinking water sources and so on.
> Why should motorcycle riders not do the same?
> Or pet owners?
> The motivation of a business owner to provide specific services is for
> profit, if they have specific knowledge of a particular market, such
> as motorcycling, then they may use it to advantage.
> I don't see any harm in that - after all OSM is mapping crafts and
> shops where the people concerned have skills in those areas.
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