2018-01-14 14:47 GMT+01:00 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>:

> A map with lighthouses was produced [1] that gained popularity because it
> was nicely rendered, but it showed how flawed OSM data was in this regard.
> Very often little beacons [2] are mapped as man_made=lighthouse, which is
> not right.
[2] - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Seamarks/Lights

can you please explain how to distinguish a beacon from a light house? I
cannot even see from the linked page, which tag to apply to a beacon [2],
nor is there a definition of either. The image for minor lights is not
readable (stamp size only. 135x100px).

> Lighthouses are big structures that were built to have living quarters for
> people that operated them.

I guess this is just a small part of all lighthouses, certainly there are
smaller ones as well?

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