Consider this <> intersection. The traffic
signal is for a one-way entrance ramp, so westbound traffic never stops,
instead getting a continuous green. The only signal phasing is to stop the
eastbound traffic to allow westbound left turns to proceed onto the ramp,
and vice versa.

A routing application directing people onto westbound US 22/30 would see
this as a full signal, rather than a continuous green. However,
traffic_signals=continuous_green wouldn't work here, since the left turn
signal is not a continuous green. It also wouldn't be right to draw
separate ways here, since there's no barrier separation at all.

What should simply work is to use
traffic_signals:lanes=yes|continuous_green|continuous_green, however there
is no documented usage of the key traffic_signals:lanes, so I wouldn't want
to use it until I'm sure it'd be acceptable.

For now I'll simply tag it as a plain old highway=traffic_signals. What
does everyone think about the usage of traffic_signals:lanes? (It could
also open the door for tagging the various sets of signals in an
intersection, such as dedicated turning, permissive turning, etc, but the
usefulness of this is debatable and is a subject for a full-blown proposal.)

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