On 28 November 2017 at 12:58, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:
> In general the access categories and rules for "traffic at rest" are
> different, than for moving traffic.
> As to sign C, 3a (Vienna convention), the OSM access wiki page is a bit
> unclear in that it doesn't clearly state that when used in a prohibitory
> fashion "motorcar" includes all other dual track vehicles (it is clear that
> it does not include single track values), and when used as a permission it
> doesn't, but it has that in common with traffic rules in general.

¬(motorcar=yes) ≠ (motorcar=no)? That's not logical and highly
confusing. In my opinion, any key should have the same meaning for
'yes' and 'no'.

And I think that we should not tag what the sign shows but what the
sign means (i.e. "no entry for any power driven vehicle except
two-wheeled motor cycles without side-car"). Therefore:

motor_vehicles=no + motorcycle=yes.

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