
I'm looking for how to map what is called in French a talus
<http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/talus> (Google's translation).
I would call this a 1.8m simple step running for some reason for several
100s meters across meadows.
Steep slope. There are "top of slope" and "bottom of slope" lines. Rest
is perfectly flat either side.
It might be the remnants of a old canal's bank whose other side would
have been eroded by the often overflowing nearby river.
A "talus" made of plain ground is often frequent at one side of a path
or track.
According to the wiki, it's not a "scree" nor a "shingle". It's much
less matter specific.
So what?
I'll use "scree" unless/until I hear of better for a French talus.



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