Tom did not totally remove the reference to "building=stands", it is
listed as discouraged on the new "building=grandstand" Wiki page.
As to "building=grandstand", although undocumented, I have seen this
used on exactly the type of structure Tom included. Of course, the
difference as to what constitutes a full stadium and / or just a
grandstand is a bit vague, and users to some extent use them
interchangeably. But in general, I have seen two uses:
- Used on a single "building=grandstand" that was the only feature
around a playing field
- Used on individual sections of a full concentric "building=stadium",
or multiple disjunct "building=grandstand" features surrounding the
playing field.
As I wrote in my first post, the tag itself is at least 4 years old, and
maybe much longer. Just needed documentation, as Tom now did. Thanks Tom!
*** Tom, just one other remark:***
In the "Tagging mistakes" section, you referenced "building=stand",
which also exists according to the TagInfo table next to it, but the
original new tag I saw was "building=stands(!)" so plural
(https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=building%3Dstands). I think
you need to include this second discouraged tag as well... Currently,
"building=stands" has even more uses (244) then "building=stand" (85)
Op 27-10-2017 om 23:53 schreef Warin:
On 28-Oct-17 08:18 AM, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
On 27.10.2017 22:16, Warin wrote:
discouraging the new tag preferably,
No contact with mappers using that value.
The usage was discouraged for this purpose, neither forbidden nor
No tagging in the database was changed (by myself).
Yet the wiki reference was totally removed from the wiki.
I think leaving the mention of it on the wiki, but putting a line
through it and placing comments on the wiki discussion page would be
better way of discouragement. That is the way I have seen it done for
discouragement in the past.
I think the removal may be provocation to an edit war?
Before the removal it said ...
"A big tribunes. " and showed the same photo as stadium.
So possibly 'stands' is 'stadium' rather than 'grandstand'.
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