> Which by definition is wrong because a given street address (addr:city +
addr:street + addr:postcode + addr:housenumber) _must be unique_ - at least
in the country (The Netherlands) where I live and where I found this

Honest question, what is lost or wrong with having the address appear on
multiple objects?

In this case the address tags are simply supporting the primary key (shop=,
or office=, or amenity=, etc) to note the address of that entity. The
address tags can also go on the building and/or parcel of land.

On 27 October 2017 at 02:01, Marc Zoutendijk <marczoutend...@mac.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Recently I discovered a tagging where at the same street address and house
> number, 3 different (although related) companies  are located.
> Because adding multiple values to the same key is not easy to do in OSM,
> (mostly used for adding more telephone numbers, separating the numbers with
> a semicolon), and in this case the mapper had chosen to simply add three
> nodes and duplicate all the relevant address tags.
> Because all three companies had an office=research tag and because the
> office tag is not rendered at all on the standard map(!!) but only shows
> the addr:housenumber (when present), the above described tagging resulted
> in showing 3 times the same address node on the map. Which by definition is
> wrong because a given street address (addr:city + addr:street +
> addr:postcode + addr:housenumber) _must be unique_ - at least in the
> country (The Netherlands) where I live and where I found this situation.
> In The Netherlands _all_ buildings and the related address nodes were (and
> still are) imported in a huge import (BAG) which was discussed years ago
> and also presented in a wiki:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/BAGimport
> Dutch mappers usually add POI information (like a shop, restaurant, hotel
> etc. ) to an existing address node and usually this works well, except when
> we face the situation where more objects share that very same address. E.g.
> it is not uncommon to have a hotel and a bar share the same building and
> address. In this case the hotel is added to the (existing) address node and
> a new node is created for the bar, but without the address information and
> this node is simply put within the contour of the hotel building.
> The situation I’m describing here, with 3 research offices all sharing the
> same address would (could?) lead to tagging like this:
> addr:street=streetname
> addr:housenumber=X
> office=research
> name=“name of first office”;”name of second office”;”name of third office”
> webiste=“website-1”;“website-2”;“website-3”
> phone=“phonenumber-1”;“phonenumber-1”;“phonenumber-1”
> Which wouldn’t be my choice of solving this problem, suppose the values
> for office would differ as well, this would give even more complicated tag
> combinations. Maintaining/checking it would be cumbersome.
> How to render this mess?
> Other solutions have been presented over the years in various wikis,
> forums and mailing-lists, but a satisfactory solution still has to be
> found, hence my question to continue reading and study this proposal that
> was done in 2011:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/associatedAddress
> I wrote the mapper who proposed this a PM and he replied with the message
> that he is no longer very active on OSM.
> I have used this proposed relation for the tagging of the 3 named offices
> here:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/7676306
> Of course because this is an unsupported type of relation, nothing shows
> on the map, save the (one) house number, but here you can see the situation
> as it was before I added my changes:
> https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/vgHPvYALM4p7n6t
> With tools like OpenPoiMap you can see some results, but because the
> address tags are removed you have to guess that those 3 offices share the
> same address:
> http://openpoimap.org/?map=various&zoom=18&lat=52.81317&;
> lon=6.39542&layers=B00FFFFTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
> I must say that this way of tagging (with a relation) looks quite clear to
> me, is easy to do and opens up many possibilities. But is it easy to render
> once accepted?
> Hence:
> 1. Should we continue and discuss and finally vote for the proposal
> mentioned above?
> 2. Can you think of another solution for this specific problem: “how to
> map/tag multiple (sometimes even not related) objects to the same (one)
> address node?”
> Thanks for any input,
> Marc.
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