2017-09-25 9:46 GMT+02:00 Ilya Zverev <i...@zverev.info>:

> A way is better than nothing but if a mapper is able to draw an area
>> because the station is pretty simple or he used a laser distance meter
>> [1], this should not hinder him to draw an area.
> Okay, thanks, changed that. Though we don't have many mappers with laser
> distance meters, right?

there is sometimes another possibility to map detailed areas: maps with
compatible license / open data from the pt operator or the city. Areas are
more useful when you look at a high scale map, as it helps to recognize
where you are, and where amenities are, to orient yourself (e.g. shops /
fast food, escalators, elevators, obstacles, etc.). With a linear way you
have these "levitating" around the way and don't know if they are
accessible or just nearby.

> https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Metro_Mapping writes:
>>> The modern public transport tagging schema introduces stop positions:
>>> points on rails where trains actually stop. These should be placed in the
>>> middle of a hypothetical train, that is, near the center of the platform.
>> Adding them always near the centre of the platform is wrong and useless.
>> A machine could that do, too. From my point of view they should be added
>> where the centre of the train is.
> Okay, clarified this in the proposal.

I think in the end we should have more than one stop position, if applying,
e.g one for "regular trains" one for "short trains" (in Berlin for
example), with tagging that says which is which.

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