On 13-Sep-17 08:52 AM, Richard Welty wrote:
On 9/12/17 6:44 PM, marc marc wrote:
Le 12. 09. 17 à 22:52, Viking a écrit :
In the discussion page [0] someone says that check_date=* is a synonymous of 
survey:date=* in common usage. Is this correct? Should we use another tag 
functional_check=* ?  But I don't like to introduce a new tag.

I launched a discussion on the French mailing last week to know
the exact meaning of those who use it.
wiki said "when the object was checked and verified"
but what is checked ? a survey to see it ?
a survey to check the info sign on the hydrant ?
a opendata database ?
including or not a functional check ?
currently, nobody known.
in the US, your better fire departments do flow tests on every hydrant
on a 3 year cycle to verify output. what the tag means should definitely be
spelled out at some level of detail.

These tags are not specific to fire hydrants .. or anything else.

If you need to tag a specific check than possibly check_date:flow=*

functional_check=* is not specific enough .. and falls into the same problems 
as check_date=* and survey:date=*.
Note these are for the use of fellow mappers (i.e. they don't render), unless 
you make your own map.

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