Nick Hocking <> writes:

> t seems that the Emergency shelter situation for Hurricane Irma is very
> dynamic with over 200 new shelters being opened in just one day.

Do you mean "places for which there has not previously been a plan to
use them as a shelter"?

> Apparently the Red Cross have released an app (using Google  Maps) that
> tracks the emergency shelters and also indicates which ones can't accept
> new evacuees because they are full.

Do they provide a data file that others can just download and use?  That
seems possibly available given the arcgis usage of the map on their

I realize none of this can possibly change for this storm, but it seems
that the larger struggle to solve these issues is about encouraging open
data in sane formats that can lead to easier interworking, by separating
publishing data and providing sites/code that can use it.  Essentially
GTFS for disasters.

> Therefore I think we do need a tag for "status" which would have values of
> "closed" "open" and "full".

Why do you think that this information, perhaps changing hourly, belongs
in the main database?  I realize we are moving to faster pipelines from
database to users (e.g. with osmand live, where I can navigate with data
that's from roughly 24h ago).

If we are going to have open/closed/full, then why wouldn't we change
restaurants to indicate that they long waits vs being able to walk in?
This seems like a massive expansion in scope.

> PS , I haven't seem the Red Cross app but the reviews are not good, with
> one review describing it as "half baked", which, if true, would make it, in
> my opinion, worse than useless.

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